Home Entertainment Heartwarming Nigerian Christmas Traditions You’ll Love

Heartwarming Nigerian Christmas Traditions You’ll Love

Heartwarming Nigerian Christmas Traditions You’ll Love ( PC PUNCH NEWSPAPER)
Heartwarming Nigerian Christmas Traditions You’ll Love ( PC PUNCH NEWSPAPER)

Heartwarming Nigerian Christmas Traditions You’ll Love

December is HERE!! a season of celebration, hanging out with family and friends, meeting with old folks etc. Office schools, churches, street light up for the big world celebration. Sound of fireworks, and a whole lots of fun.

December is a time when a lot of Nigerians celebrate with their family and friends, some travel to the village. Offices school shut down to celebrate, share drinks, and many other activities.

Here are some traditions Nigerians widely practice during the Christmas.

1. Christmas Tree, Decorations and Lightenings.

Christmas cannot be complete without Christmas tree and lightening, this is what set the mood, this can be seen in peoples homes, churches, Schools etc, even in more advance countries. Nigerians in particular spend a whole lot to this Christmas trees and lightening. We see familes decorating windows doors and even trees.

Heartwarming Nigerian Christmas Traditions You’ll Love ( PC PUCH NEWSPAPER)
Heartwarming Nigerian Christmas Traditions You’ll Love ( PC PUCH NEWSPAPER)

2. Father Christmas

The Christmas period is the time kids and even some adult look forward to meeting with Santa clause, but in Nigeria we call them father christmas. LOL Father christmas gives gifts and goody bags.

3. Christmas Hair  Clothes, and Shoes.

As a Nigeria parent, this is one of the best periods to buy New cloths, shoes and make new hair styles for your self as a lady and for your female kids.Nigeria have the culture of looking good even when the have very little. Trust Nigerians to go for shopping and celebrate like kings.

4. Carol Service

Hmm what is Christmas without carol service, especially among the Christians, this is a traditions, with Hyms, the gospel of christ etc. Many organization also offer Christmas carol for their staffs and a tradition for celebrating the end of year.


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