Home Entertainment “Tradition vs. Money: Deeone Calls Out Chioma’s Family

“Tradition vs. Money: Deeone Calls Out Chioma’s Family


“Tradition vs. Money: Deeone Calls Out Chioma’s Family.

Comedian Deeone has criticized Chioma’s family for allowing her traditional wedding to Davido to take place in Lagos instead of Imo State, where Chioma’s family originates. In a video posted online this morning, Deeone expressed his disappointment, suggesting that Igbo traditions appear to be divided based on wealth. He stated that traditionally, Igbo marriage rites require the bride to have her traditional wedding in her village. However, Chioma’s family allowed the wedding to be held in Lagos because Davido is wealthy.

Deeone argued that if the bride were from a lower economic class, her family would have insisted on holding the wedding in their village. He emphasized that adhering to this tradition would have also benefited the local economy in Imo State, with travelers spending money on accommodations, food, and other expenses.

Deeone’s remarks highlight his belief that traditional practices should not be compromised for financial reasons and that following customs can have broader economic benefits for local communities.

He ended his video by questioning the integrity of those who choose to bypass such traditions, urging families to maintain their cultural heritage regardless of economic status.

The video has sparked discussions online, with many sharing their opinions on the matter. Some agree with Deeone’s perspective, while others believe that flexibility in traditions is acceptable in certain circumstances.

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