Aproko Doctor on a quest to revolutionize “fun”
On Saturday 26th October 2022; Dr Chinonso Egbemba, popularly known as Aproko Doctor, redefined the word “fun” by hosting “the healthiest party ever” at the Muri Okunola Park in Lagos-State, Nigeria.
Killing two birds with one stone: celebrating his birthday and fulfilling his promise to prove to Nigerians that they can have the best fun without endangering their bodies and their health.
The doctor has taken a direct approach to tackle the unhealthy lifestyle that has become a norm in Nigeria through his content and ultimately, through this party.
He has indeed shown Nigerians that the healthiest option is still the best option. Similarly, he has successfully debunked the common myth that only alcohol and drugs can make a party lively.
Referring to the about page on the party’s website,
“Remember those childhood parties where you will collect gifts and free drinks just for playing games? Yes, we’re hosting that but with a few upgrades! AprokoNation Fiesta is about to be the healthiest, most spontaneous event of the year.
Imagine a party where you can munch on delicious, wholesome snacks, actively participate in exciting activities, and still be chilling with amazing, health-conscious people. Sounds fun abi? We know, that’s why we are hosting it! You’re itching for more details? that’s part of the fun, come and see for yourself.”
It’s safe to say that Aproko Doctor delivered on every promise he made.
What are Nigerians saying about it?
*In Trump’s voice* “this is hoooge”
Congrats and well done
The party your parents will gladly tell you to attend
Chinonso is building something massive here
Chinonso is building something massive here
Kudos to the good works. You have been very consistent and God will continue to guide you all the way
Do Abuja next
These kind of events, the Christian and Muslim community should promote. Organisations like NDLEA and other NGOs who are against substance abuse should key into it. It’s a good initiative, where we get to a point drugs won’t be the life of the party but inner Joy
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