Lawmakers Get N740bn for Constituency Projects Amid Malaria Outbreak.
Each year, malaria kills nearly 200,000 Nigerians, but lawmakers are allocated nearly N740 billion for constituency projects, which may have limited impact on addressing this health crisis. This year, Nigerians will spend over N1.7 trillion on malaria treatments, while the 2024 budget allocates only N63 billion for malaria interventions. Despite this, funds for constituency projects remain significant.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that malaria affects 68 million Nigerians annually, with 200,000 deaths. Domestic funding for malaria control is minimal, with 21% of the $3.84 billion invested since 2000 coming from local sources. Global initiatives, such as the Global Fund and the US President’s Malaria Initiative, support malaria control in various states.
Funding gaps and misalignment in priorities between international donors and Nigerian health needs exacerbate the issue. Nigeria’s health expenditure is inadequate, with high out-of-pocket costs burdening households and pushing many into poverty. The allocation of funds primarily supports secondary and tertiary care, overlooking preventive measures that could have a more significant impact on malaria control.