Home Business Sad Yuletide for travelers over sky-high fares

Sad Yuletide for travelers over sky-high fares

Sad Yuletide for travelers over sky-high fares.( PC MORGANABLE)
Sad Yuletide for travelers over sky-high fares.( PC MORGANABLE)

High Transport fares force travelers to retreat

Segregated from what many would have inclined, the holiday traveling Nigerians probed this year yet as the economy forced its dire staying in tow with homeward bondage, here people thronging bus terminals and courts as they await capacities to ferry them through air to home for the holidays yet with pain from unflinching apparent fare charges.

The traditional most crewed.
Even as for most, their means of choice will be by road, they still have to battle with expensive rates and security fears in travelling on the roads.

Sad Yuletide for travellers over sky-high fares(PC :VANGUARD)
Sad Yuletide for travellers over sky-high fares

Serious challanges for road travellers
Road transport companies have increased their fares up to 100 percent. Visits made by Vanguard reporters to some of the bus stations in the city, Lagos, such as Yaba, Orile, Oshodi and Maza-Maza, showed that the fares to the eastern part of the country have increased astronomically.

Other than the fact that these minibuses, including Toyota Sienna, Hiace buses and the likes, were a little late in putting in prices almost double the amounts being charged a month ago; the high capacity buses, mostly called luxury buses by Nigerians, look very rickety but do not spare in prices.

For example, the same luxury buses which went for N23,000 just a week back are now all of a sudden asking between N33,000 to N40,000 per passenger. Naijaeyes further indicated that big transporting firms like Chisco, Okeyson, and The Young Shall Grow had as at December 22, 2024, charged N40,000.

Most of the buses learn at night; making the journey even more harrowing considering the security situation in the country.

Transporters react

As for the reaction to the passengers’ complaints on the risen prices at the Lagos State Government-owned terminal, Mr. Damian Ezuma, manager of Izu Chukwu Transport, attributed the prices to increased cost of maintaining buses and high pump prices of diesel, which he said had reached N2,000 a liter.


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