Home Business Uncontrolled anger ruins Nigerian Lawyer

Uncontrolled anger ruins Nigerian Lawyer


Uncontrolled anger ruins Nigerian Lawyer

Opeyemi Mabawonku, a Nigerian Lawyer who works with PWC, is on the verge of losing everything after a video of him violently assaulting his wife went viral on X. His wife, Abiola, is the former head of HR at Paystack.

While some Nigerians on X clamour for the termination of Opeyemi’s appointment with PWC, some other Nigerians wonder why he should lose his job over his new reputation as a violent man.

A British Nigerian with the username @OurFavOnlineDoc then took it upon himself to explain the gravity of Mabawonku’s actions and the consequences

“I will break it down for you. It’s a sad reality that this is even a question that is up for public discussion. But for the sake of those who are genuinely ignorant, I would shed some light.

  1. Domestic violence is a crime. Physical assault in any form is a crime. It’s NOT a mere “marital dispute”. Beating your partner is a criminal offence. When we see it first of all as a crime, we will understand the seriousness of it.
  2. Now in a sane country, Committing a crime means becoming a convict (which many times means jail time).
  3. Being a convict in jail, or becoming an ex-convict, usually means job loss. Going to jail or having a criminal record in any sane country automatically means losing your livelihood, losing your license in some professions and significantly limiting how far you go in life.
  4. Being a lawyer, which is a serious profession with a reputation, there are high professional ethical standards, which means a lawyer who commits a crime will most likely lose their license and their livelihood.
  5. Working for PWC, a globally respected company, means committing a crime which puts the company’s name in disrepute, and will more than likely mean a certainty of being sacked. So it’s not a question of people online clamouring for him to lose his job, he is most likely going to lose his job for sure. Anyway, in summary, The young lawyer should have thought of his license and his livelihood and never laid a finger on his wife (or anybody). His decision to beat his wife is unfortunately a decision to lose his job, lose his license to practise law, lose his livelihood and potentially lose his freedom by going to jail. This is why anger destroys a man. Uncontrolled anger will destroy a man’s life uncontrollably. I hope this explanation is simple enough.”

The Lagos Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency has also taken up the case, “Thank you to everyone who has reached out or tagged us regarding this video. We appreciate your vigilance in bringing this to our attention. Now that we’re aware, we’re taking swift action to address the matter appropriately”, it tweeted in response to the video.


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