Home Entertainment UK-based continues to receive a salary from Nigeria.

UK-based continues to receive a salary from Nigeria.


UK-based cab driver, Sabitu Adams, continues to receive a salary from his Nigerian

It appears that the UK-based cab driver, Sabitu Adams, continues to receive a salary from his Nigerian government job despite working as a taxi driver abroad. The situation highlights a common issue in Nigeria’s civil service, where ghost workers, individuals who receive salaries without actually working, are a significant problem.

Key points from the article include:

  • Sabitu Adams left Nigeria two years ago but has not officially resigned from his civil service job.
  • He is one of many ghost workers identified in Nigeria’s public sector, benefiting from ongoing salary payments.
  • Despite periodic biometric verifications meant to identify and eliminate ghost workers, the practice persists without legal consequences for those involved.
  • President Bola Tinubu recently directed that such individuals should refund the money received from the government and that their supervisors should face penalties for facilitating the fraud.
  • Adams expressed indifference to these directives, citing his improved income as a taxi driver in the UK and keeping his job in Nigeria as a potential fallback option.

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