Home Tech Meta Warns: Risky AI Systems May Be Scrapped!

Meta Warns: Risky AI Systems May Be Scrapped!


Meta Warns: Risky AI Systems May Be Scrapped!

There are many uses for AGI (artificial general intelligence), which is somehow defined by AI being able to perform any human job, and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has pledged that one day there shall be an open release of it. In

contrast, certain scenarios may arise in which Meta would consider not releasing a very capable internally developed AI system, according to this new policy document.


Meta’s document, which they call the Frontier AI Framework, identifies two sets of AI systems that the company considers unacceptably risky to release: “high risk” and “critical risk” systems.

The distinguishing factor, as Meta defines them, is that “critical-risk” systems can lead to a catastrophic outcome that cannot be mitigated in a proposed deployment context, while “high-risk” systems might assist in the conduct of a cyber, chemical, or biological attack but in a way that is not reliable or dependable as a “critical-risk” system.

What kind of attacks are we talking about? Examples, according to Meta, include “automated end-to-end compromise of a best-practice-protected corporatescale environment” and, even worse, “the proliferation of high-impact biological weapons”.

However, the list of possible catastrophes in its paper is anything but exhaustive.

it includes what Meta considers to be “most urgent” and plausible catastrophes that would arise directly from a release of a powerful AI system.

To some extent, this was surprising, given that Meta could classify system risk not using any one empirical test but rather based on the nuanced inputs gathered from a range of internal and external researchers, overseen by “senior-level decision-makers”. Why? Meta believed that they differ from existing methodologies, stating that, in their view, the science of evaluation is “sufficiently robust as to provide a definitive quantifiable measure.


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