The first update for 2023 from Telegram introduces an entirely new third-party verification mechanism for accounts, new message search filters, and the possibility of transforming gifts into NFTs. Telegram rolled out some new features for its chat application meant to complete the verification program that was already prepared for the verification of public figures and organizations now with a project allowing already third-party verified authorities such as food-quality regulators or educational consortiums to do the account verification.
Verified accounts of a third party are denoted by a new icon next to the names of these accounts. “This decentralized platform for additional verification will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation — with a unique proactive solution that sets a new safety standard for social platforms,” Telegram said in a blog post.
People or entities who want to authenticate
have to go through the process of being verified and can then fill out an application that makes them eligible to receive this mark of verified. However, according to Telegram, entities can use its Bot API.
Telegram has recently introduced a feature where you can transform gifts into NFTs adorned with personalized backgrounds and buttons.
Gifts can be sent by users with Telegram Stars, which can be purchased from the app or through the Fragment site by linking their TON crypto wallets.”
Telegram also mentioned that users can exchange these NFTs on varied platforms. Importantly, users will have to upgrade their gifts to collectibles at a fee in order to facilitate the blockchain verification process.
The telecommunications giant has taken a step further on the monetization path, using cryptocurrencies to support creators in being paid on the platform for games and mini applications.
The company has also brought out a new emoji reaction for service messages such as someone joining a group, and new search filters for private chats, group chats, and channels.
http://Telegram now has third-party verification filters.
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