A total of 15.4 million accounts, channels, and groups have been banned by Telegram due to its wholesome efforts to stop harmful content, including fraud, terrorism, and child sexual abuse material (CSAM), on its platform.
Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, was recently arrested in France on August 24 based on the accusations that the messaging platform wasn’t doing its best in moderating the contents on its platform and thus made it easy for terrorists, fraudsters, and drug traffickers to use.

Pavel is currently out of jail on €5 million bail, and the case was adjourned to a later date.
The messaging platform, which has over 900 million followers, stated that it has blocked 705,688 groups and channels related to CSAM and 129,986 terrorist-related communities in 2024.
It stated, “Since 2022, Telegram has significantly scaled its efforts in partnership with organizations like ETIDAL, the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology.
“Through its collaboration with ETIDAL alone, Telegram’s moderators have removed over 100 million pieces of terrorist content.”
Pavel Durov has emphasized that Telegram will do much better in the coming weeks and that it already has a European Union compliance officer who oversees Telegram’s compliance with EU laws.
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